So now that we’ve been married over a year, it’s fun because we’re starting to do things together that we’ve already done before. We had our second Christmas together (with Paige’s family this year), we celebrated our second New Year’s (but I don’t think either of us really remember the first because we were both sick and drugged up on Nyquil then), and we had our second Valentines Day.
Last year to celebrate, Josh suggested that we pack a dinner, take out the back seats, and drive somewhere for scenic picnic in the back of the car. This year when we were deciding what to do for Valentines, I said, “I really liked that picnic last year. Why don’t we do it again?” Josh was all for it, so we did. And this time we planned a little more ahead and decided to cook a fancy dinner, French cuisine being the theme. It was fun to cook together and way delicious to eat our meal together (the menu consisted of tomates farcies, an omelette aux asperges, brie cheese, a demi baguette, sparkling cider, and—best part—a delicious French pastry called a millefeuille). So, delicious meal? Absolutely. Were we stuffed afterwards? Better believe it. And new Valentines Day tradition? We think so.
Oh, and after dinner, we headed to our stake’s Valentines Dance, which was a blast. They had an antique photo booth, where we had these fun shots taken. Hope you enjoy!