All posts by Annelise


Today I got to go outside and play in the backyard. It was the first time I really got to play out there. Mom let me crawl around, and I looooved it. I loved crawling through the grass and picking up leaves. I pulled up on the slide and watched Carson slide down. Mom even slid me down a couple of times! I didn’t like when it was time to come in. Let’s go play outside again soon, Mom!


My Daddy’s birthday

It was Daddy’s birthday yesterday. We went on a walk, and that was fun. Mimi and Grandpa and Jennie came over and smiled and laughed at me, and that was fun. There were presents to look at and chew on. But then everyone turned out the lights and started singing and then cheering and then taking pictures, and I didn’t know what was going on. That part was not so fun.


But happy birthday, Daddy! Yesterday after nap time I didn’t want anyone to hold me but you, and that’s because I love you.