All posts by Paige

Easter 2012

Easter was really wonderful this year. We tried to keep the holiday really focused on the Savior, and we felt really enriched as a result. On Saturday we ate a Jerusalem-themed dinner to remind us of the Savior and the type of food he would have eaten (fish, flatbread, lentil soup, nuts, grapes). And we also had short devotionals throughout the week, during which we watched some of the new Bible videos the Church has created.

Today we had Sam, Caleb, Audrey, and Brenn over for a magnificent Easter dinner. It was so good to see you guys! Thanks for coming and spending time with us. We even hid Easter eggs for the sibs (I think they mostly enjoyed it, even though we hid like 40 eggs but only 4 had candy in them, haha). After dinner we ate ice cream and cookies on the porch (beautiful weather today!) and even took some family photos.

Also, on Saturday we gave Carson his Easter basket, which he enjoyed for a few minutes before going off to explore the house like he usually does. ;) But he did really like it, and it was a lot of fun to watch his excitement. All in all, a wonderful, spiritual Easter, and we hope you were all able to remember all the Savior has done for us and the wonderful blessing of his Atonement and Resurrection.

Airplane ride

Two weeks ago we flew to Denver to look for housing for our big move there in…just three weeks! Wow, so soon!

Anyway, I took this picture of Josh and Carson on the airplane and I love it. Josh is such an amazing father. Carson has so much fun with his dad and loves to be with him. Josh of course can make him laugh and smile, but Josh is the best at calming Carson down by far. He just holds him and Carson gets so calm and quiet. Thank you for being the best dad in the world, Josh! Carson and I are the luckiest people in the world to have you.

Update on Carson

Picture time! Sorry we’ve been bad bloggers lately. I feel kind of like I haven’t been taking as many pictures lately, partly because when I try to take pictures of Carson now I feel like they all come out like this:

 Yep, Carson’s on the move! But don’t worry, we’ve gotten some good pictures, too. Like these:

 Carson has also lately shown his first attempt at climbing on top of something:

He hasn’t really climbed anything else, which I’m kind of relieved about, though he does really really love to stand. He’ll pull himself up and stand next to anything he can.

(This picture is a few weeks old; now Carson can do it with a little more finesse.)

We sure love him!