All posts by Paige

Lost Pictures

Have you ever found a camera you haven’t emptied the pictures from in forever, and then finally put the pictures on your computer, way after you remembered you had even taken them? Well, I hadn’t…until today! And now it’s like I just found a five dollar bill in my blue jeans! Awesome! So here are some pictures taken foreeeeever ago that I forgot I had:

Here’s some pictures of my awesome brother Cole and sisters Shelby and Jennie at a wildlife park in Texas:

And here’s some pictures of my sisters Brenn and Audrey trying to break into our house the same way Josh and I had to:

And finally, here’s a picture I took forever ago on my very first day of my study abroad program in Alcalá de Henares, Spain!

Yea for being lost and getting found.

Falling Light Fixtures

Okay, to start out, a story:

When I (Paige) was in college and living in a cheap apartment with my friends, we were doing cleaning checks and my roommate’s job was to remove and clean the light fixture in the hallway. She did, and later I was doing my job (cleaning the bathroom) and walking back to the front room, when bam! something hit me on the head. Yep, the glass light cover fell just as I was walking under it, cracked, and a piece of glass cut my hand. My roommates all came running out and checked me for a concussion (I was a little dazed, but fine) and wrapped my hand (just a minor cut). But we did have to get a new light cover.

So, a few weekends ago, the florescent light bulbs in our kitchen burnt out, so we bought new ones. As we were replacing them, the whole light fixture (a long, heavy one that holds four bulbs) fell! Well, it kind of only fell halfway and Josh was holding it (thank goodness). So we took the whole thing down and got out our power tools and measured new holes and put it new screws and thought, “Great! Now the light fixture is more secure than ever.”

We enjoyed the new, bright light for about three days, and then…

One night late, just after we had turned off the lights and gotten in bed, we heard a super loud crash! from the kitchen. I was terrified (I thought someone had broken in). Josh got up to check, and sure enough – the light fixture (the whole light fixture) fell. We had to sweep up all the broken glass from the broken light bulbs, pick up the shattered plastic cover, and move the light fixture (which we think is okay, but might be broken).

Anyway, we’re just grateful that neither of us was walking under that when it fell. :) That was our adventure in light fixtures…and we’re probably done trying to hang (or rehang) them ourselves now.

27 Weeks

Here I am, at 27 weeks! That means I’m approximately in the seventh month and third and final trimester of pregnancy! Yay! And here’s how I look:

And I’m feeling great! The baby is kicking (and rolling and moving) more and more, which never ceases to make me and Josh smile. I feel like I’m hungry all the time and eat small meals throughout the day. Sleeping at night is a little uncomfortable, but not too bad at all. Perhaps the hardest part of pregnancy so far has been figuring out where to buy good (not too expensive) maternity clothes! Ross is definitely my favorite. So if you have any recommendations, please share!

We have the crib set up in the baby’s room now, and it looks so cute! We’ll post some pictures soon. Things are going well and we’re getting excited!

Weekend with Family

Well, Mom’s Women’s Conference friends did hog her pretty well, but we got to spend a great weekend with her so we were happy. On Sunday Brenn and Mom were both over. We had lunch, set up the baby’s crib, and ate dinner – so pretty much ate and talked. What more could you ask for? It was a great day.

Monday we went to the Carl Bloch exhibit at the BYU Museum of Art. It was a really neat exhibit; we definitely recommend going if you’re in the area. I had seen a lot of Carl Bloch’s works before in Church magazines and such, but never realized who the artist was or his story. And seeing the paintings in real life is an amazing experience. The MOA does such a great job. Before the MOA it was shopping, and afterwards lunch at the BYU Creamery (classic). All in all, a fantastic weekend.

Thanks so much for coming, Mom! We loved having you and are so grateful for all your help (and the food). Sister Brenn, it was awesome to hang out with you, too.

Aren’t moms and sisters the best? :)