All posts by Paige

Model Airplane Night

For our date night last week, we took a trip back to Josh’s childhood and bought a model plane to build. (And thanks to a 40 percent off coupon, our date was within budget!) I was new to model planes so Josh had to teach me how it all worked, but we had a lot of fun. Josh is a pro. I was just happy when I found out that model plane building actually involves work with a nail file, so I was the official filer for the night. Oh, and I was pretty good at putting the decals on, too. Josh was the expert instruction reader and gluer. We were pretty proud of our work, even if we weren’t legit enough to use paint.

Welcome, Melanie!

This week is Women’s Conference at BYU, which means we get to enjoy a visit from my (Paige’s) mom! Tonight Mom took us and my sister Brenn to dinner and then we got to chat and catch up for a bit. It’s great to see Mom and hear about all the news at home, from funny stories about ward camp outs to news about the kids (Jennie, I didn’t know you love Tangled – me too!)

Thanks for dinner, Mom! We’re excited to spend time with you this week – if your Women’s Conference friends don’t hog you too much. ;-)


Happy Easter

Today we had a great Easter Sunday. I slept in, and woke up to find a trail of candy leading to a basket the “Easter Bunny” left for me. I have the best husband in the world. :) Later while Josh was at a church meeting the Easter Bunny came back and hid some eggs for him to find. It was a way fun, happy morning and we both felt like excited kids again (and got excited for the kid we’ll get to leave an Easter basket for next year).

After church we had some good friends from our ward over for an Easter dinner. Josh’s family has had a tradition of celebrating Easter by reading and learning about the Savior’s life for the week building up to His resurrection, then having an Easter dinner of food the Savior would have eaten. We tried it this year, and despite some unplanned-for adventures in the kitchen, it turned out well and we had a tasty dinner of fish, unleavened bread, and grapes (and rolls, as a backup for if when the homemade unleavened bread failed, and salad and potatoes, because they’re tasty). We really enjoyed having good friends over, too.

We hope you all enjoyed this Easter Sunday and got to remember, like we did, the wonderful blessings the Savior’s atonement and resurrection bring to our lives. Happy Easter!

Image from the Church's gospel Library. Mary and the Resurrected Jesus Christ by Simon Dewey.

23 Weeks

I’ve been a really bad blogger lately – I have no excuse. But my friend just showed me her blog from when she was pregnant, and I realized I’m missing out on documenting a big part of my life – and our future baby’s. :) So here we go: finally, some pregnancy pictures:

First, an old picture. This is me at 18 weeks, just before the halfway mark and before we found out that the baby was a boy. And now for a more recent picture…

This is me last week, at 22 weeks. As you can see, little bud (as we’ve been calling him) has been growing! And moving, too. At first when he started to move, it was almost hard to recognize – it felt like flutters or butterflies. But now I can feel him kicking more often, and Josh has even felt it with his hand. That’s definitely my favorite part about pregnancy so far: feeling the baby kick. :) For some reason I tend to notice it more on Sundays, probably just because I’m sitting calmly and less occupied for several hours. Or, as Josh said, because our baby’s just spiritual. Or, more likely, that he just likes to act up on Sundays…which I hope won’t continue into his childhoood…

And I’m feeling great, too. Morning sickness, though mild, for me lasted beyond the first trimester – actually about to 20 weeks, I think, but now it’s gone away for good, and that’s a relief. I’m also feeling energized and, unlike early on, my appetite is back and it’s bigger. :) I am getting used to moving around with a bigger belly – like, did anyone else feel like they were spilling and splashing on themselves all the time?

So that’s life! Watch for more updates soon!