All posts by Paige

Nothing like risking life and limb to get that laundry pressed.

New Favorite Extreme Sport

So Josh and I were wasting time online while studying for finals, and we somehow came across this awesome sport: extreme ironing. Oh wow, what a sport. Extreme environmental conditions? Check. Daredevil antics? Check. Life-threatening situations? Check. Iron and ironing board? Check. What better recipe could you have for an extreme sport that is incredibly awesome yet also domestic? Anyway, we got a kick out of the photos and hope you do, too. Oh, and we’re totally going to go extreme ironing on a date sometime.

Wedding Pictures

So, we know these are more than a few months delayed, but we’re finally getting around to posting some of our wedding pictures. Looking at these make us so happy because it was the best day of our lives. We’re so grateful to everything our family did to make this day so perfect for us. It was just the first of many wonderful, wonderful days we’ve spent together! So enjoy!

House Pictures

So here’s some pictures I’ve taken recently of our house. The grass (aka weeds) in the front was really really long, but our landlords had someone come and cut it all, and I was so excited that it looked better I went and took some pictures of the front…and of the back, which still kind of looks like a jungle, but hey. It’s kind of fun. A cat lives and/or explores back there. Hopefully the cat catches mice (because we had one in our house, but Josh caught that one). So anyway, we still fell super blessed and lucky to have such a nice (albeit old and quirky) house to live in!

Happy Halloween!

After a stressful week of midterms, homework, assignments, work, and SNOW, Josh and I had a way fun Halloween. On Friday we came home from school, made Josh’s costume (Josh: Paige made it, and it was awesome!) (Paige: mine was recycled from a past year), and headed to our ward’s Halloween party. Though our dessert didn’t win the prize even though they were the first ones eaten (sorry, Mom–we still think your cinnamon rolls are the best dessert EVER), we had a lot of fun seeing everyone’s creative costumes and eating yummy food. Saturday we entertained the few trick-or-treaters brave enough to come up to our haunted-looking house, and we watched a movie. But our costumes were definitely way fun! I was Dorothy and Josh was the Scarecrow. Enjoy the pictures!