Category Archives: Big Events

Life changes, moves, additions to the family, etc… Check here for all of the big events that happen to us!

Update on life

Hello! Hope you’re all enjoying your January and having a wonderful time. We are! Life is good. Here’s a smattering of updates through pictures…

Josh had a birthday! We celebrated with family (his brothers, my sisters) at a local sushi place. Yum, sushi.

Carson did really well, but he didn’t last the whole night:

Speaking of Carson, he’s kind of a ham. Well, at least he loves my point-and-shoot camera. If we need to cheer him up when he’s fussy, the camera usually does the trick.

We also got him some winter clothes with Christmas money. It was actually my first time picking out clothes for my own son (everyone was so generous with baby shower gifts!) and it was fun! We found some great sales at Old Navy and now I feel like a better mom because he has a hat and coat to wear outside in the cold.

See? Ham.

Random update, his eczema is gone! Hooray! Cetaphil lotion did the trick for us. Carson is also teething (two small teeth on the bottom already!) and loooves chewing things – mostly fabric. I’ve come to get him up from a nap a couple times and found him like this:

(That’s his sock in his mouth.) He also prefers his tummy and will always roll that way when we put him down on his back. And he’s starting to travel! Just rolling, twisting, pulling, and a tiny bit of scooting. But it means he’s starting to explore his world.

Well, what can we say? We just love this little guy so much. Seriously. Having a baby has been an amazing, incredible, and downright fun life-changing experience.

And that’s life! :) Well, life also entails some other pretty great things. Josh is finishing up his last semester and doing well in his classes. He graduates in just a few months! My new hobby is couponing…not awesome at it yet, but I’m getting there. It feels good to be able to use the increased free time I have to help our family save money. And here’s a peek at my new haircut. I’m loving the convenience of the shorter length!

We’re getting excited for our big move to Denver in April…wait, did we just annouce that for the first time? I think we did! Well, it’s true! We’re moving to Denver! Josh got a job offer from Pariveda Solutions, the company he interned for two summers ago, and we gladly accepted it. We’re headed out there at the end of the semester!

In the meantime, we really are enjoying every last bit of our time in Provo. We’ve been in our house here since we’ve been married (just over three years!) and we really love it. We also love being close to our siblings here at college. Dinner nights this semester have been a blast with all six of us.

So that’s us! Hope you’re all doing well and happy, too. :)


Carson is wonderful! Josh and I love him so much and we can’t imagine life without him. Of course, he’s the cutest baby we’ve ever seen and we could just stare at the cute faces he makes all day. He’s a really good baby too and doesn’t cry too much (thanks, Carson!). Anyway, what you probably want to see most are pictures, so here we go! (Most pictures courtesy of my mom. It really comes in handy, having a mom who led a former life as a professional photographer. Most photographed grandbaby ever? I think so.)

Welcome, Carson!

Our baby boy is here! Carson Joshua Lyman was born August 11 at 11:38 am (that’s 8/11/11 at 11:38 – cool, huh?). He weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce and measured 20 inches long. We’re so proud of our healthy, happy baby! He’s an angel, and we feel so blessed to have him as part of our family.

Welcome, Carson!

It’s a Boy!

That’s right, we found out that we’re having a boy! We’re both so excited and so happy. And baby’s great and healthy; we’ve felt him move more and more and are so grateful and excited for the future. I’ve been feeling great too (I’ll post a picture of myself soon), so life is good!

Now that we know the baby is a boy, Josh and I just wonder and imagine, “What will he be like?” What color hair will he have? What will his personality be? It’s so amazing to think that there’s another little person who will be joining our family. Such an amazing, exciting event to look forward to.

And exciting because I can start browsing, for fun, baby boy clothes. :) Like these (so cute!):

So for anyone who guessed the baby would be a boy – you were right. :) Now we need more name suggestions! So pass them along if you have them!