Hi everyone! We’re married!

Hello everybody, and welcome to the coolest site by far on the entire web! We decided that hey, everyone likes us soooo much that they really would want to keep up with our every doings, and all of our other married friends had blogs, so we needed one too! A quick check revealed that the amazingly vain awesome paigeandjosh.com was actually available, so we snagged it up and here we are!

To quickly recap, we were married on the 20th of December, 2008, and went on our honeymoon directly after to Corpus Christi/Padre Island, Texas. After a stop in Colorado for Christmas and an Open House, we moved back to Utah, had a final “wedding brunch” with family and close friends, and now we are all moved in (well, okay, mostly) to our new house, have started school, and are loving life!

We hope to be able to post many of our wedding and honeymoon pictures here to the site, and to make it ours as much as we can. If you have any suggestions or questions, let us know. Thanks a ton everyone, and have a great day!

— Paige and Josh

2 thoughts on “Hi everyone! We’re married!

  1. Hi Paige & Josh!

    I was so excited to hear you guys were setting up a blog. Now I get to keep up with you guys and get to see pictures. I love pictures.


    Melissa & Byron :o)

  2. I’m glad I found your blog! Melissa clued me into it. Paige, I don’t know if your invite to our blog is still active or not but let us know if you want us to invite a different email address to our blog! Just email us at brandonandlindsey@gmail.com!

    P.S. We noticed the same thing about brandonandlindsey.com when we got married and snatched it up! We will do something cool with that someday I’m sure!

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