All Moved In

Well, it finally happened! After a few weeks of slowly getting things done, we’re proud to say we’re all moved into our new house! (Well, just about.) For a long time we had a pile of stuff on our living room floor, and then we graduated to a pile of stuff in the back bedroom…but now, finally, all the piles of stuff have been taken care of, everything’s moved in, and we even hung up pictures and curtains! We love our new house, and we feel really lucky to have a such a nice place to live. There’s still a long list of home improvements we want to work on (like fix the hole in the back door–see attached picture), and our kitchen floor still consists of two rugs (due to the water damage that happened over the break), but we love our house!



2 thoughts on “All Moved In

  1. I LOVE all the neat pictures and everything looks wonderful
    I am happy for you two! I love the blog – the cool web address and all!
    love, mom

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