That’s right, we’re Texas-bound this summer! And why? Because Josh got an awesome internship there! He was looking into several places for a summer internship, but his top pick was Pariveda Solutions, an IT consulting firm based in Dallas, Texas. And thanks to Josh’s impressive resume and his great interview skills (but Josh says mostly thanks to helpful people in the firm and lots of blessings), he was the one intern selected from BYU to go! We’re super excited for the adventure ahead.

So details: the internship is June 21 to August 20, just about 9 weeks. Josh will be training, learning, and even visiting clients for the internship. (For all of who who don’t know what IT consulting is – ahem, like I didn’t before Josh explained it to me – basically it involves helping other companies run their information and technology stuff better.) He’s looking forward to learning a lot and trying out consulting first-hand.

And thanks to more awesome blessings and very nice employers, I’ll be lucky enough to work remotely while we’re in Dallas, hooray! That will be an adventure, too, but I’m excited for it. So all of the pieces are falling into place! Well, most all. Does anyone know of a cheap, already-furnished apartment in Dallas that will let us rent for three months? ;-) So, we’re not sure exactly how housing will happen yet, but we’re working on it.

So we feel very fortunate and very excited. And we’ll be able to visit our family in Texas over the summer! So often, Josh and I just look at our life and say, “How did this awesomeness happen to us?” We really do feel extremely blessed and we’re loving life. Stay tuned for updates about our hopefully successful housing search, and we’ll see you in Texas this summer!

3 thoughts on “WE’RE GOIN’ TO DALLAS!

  1. Congratulations Josh! That’s so awesome. A great internship will open some amazing doors for you down the road. It sounds like a great opportunity! And Paige, that’s awesome that you can work remotely. After having done it for two years, I’d say that working remotely is a huge bonus. It takes a while to get used to–and sometimes you might find that you haven’t left your house in 48 hours–but it gets easier after the initial adjustment. Plus, who doesn’t love being able to work in their pajamas? :) Just make sure you get out at least once a day so you don’t feel like you are only stuck in your apartment!

    Congratulations again guys!


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