Kitchen Table + Mini Boats = $1,000,000

Do you ever hear about an invention or design or product so random, yet so cool, it just makes you happy to be part of the incredibly creative human race? Josh and I had one of those moments last week.

On Sunday we had some couples from our ward over for dinner; the menu consisted of baked potatoes, salad, and rolls. As we struggled to pass all the dishes, platters, and bowls around the table, I brought up the lazy susan that sits on the table in my parents house, the one I grew up with. (If you don’t know what a lazy susan is, follow the link and learn real quick.) Then one guy told us all about a table he had seen in the Philippines – a kind of different spin on a lazy susan, if you will (ha, no pun intended!). He described it as a big regular square dinner table, but with a big hole cut out of the middle and filled with a container of water. You could then place all the dishes in the water, and if someone opposite the table needed the rolls? Why, just shove them across and they’d float on over!

Awesome, huh? We all thought it was pretty cool. (So cool that I’m writing this blog post now). And I wanted to include a picture, but I couldn’t find one online (how would you Google for that, anyway? “Kitchen table water center”? Nope. “Kitchen table pass dishes water”? Nope. If you have any suggestions, let me know). Anyway, since I couldn’t find a picture, I drew one up real quick, for visual learners like me (and for you, Mom, because I know how much you love diagrams).

So here’s an isometric view:

And even an arial view:

So we hope you enjoy this awesome invention as much as we did. Whoever thought of it is a genius. Maybe we’ll even own one some day. If we do, I think we should fill the container with goldfish…um, maybe. But I could see some definite potential disasters if you combine a kitchen table filled with water and a family of kids.

3 thoughts on “Kitchen Table + Mini Boats = $1,000,000

  1. No luck here but I did come up with your blog as about the 15th link! :) Fun idea except I’m afraid the food would have the tendency to tip over or take on some water?!

  2. Paige,

    I stumbled onto your page from Andrea Wells’. I hope you take this idea and run with it. I want a table like that. I would also like to have goldfish in it. Thank you so much for having us over! We need to do it again.

  3. Paige,
    I love this – and thanks so much for the diagram for us visual learners! So fun. maybe we can add a “jet stream” effect in the water to create a flow and then the dishes rotate automatically.. just thinking about how to build it and all. HA! thanks for sharing and thanks for drawing! love you mom!

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