Homemade Muffin Tops

One day this summer, when Josh was gone each day for his internship and I was working from home, I made homemade muffin tops…sort of. Well, inadvertently. I was basically forced to, as I was practically starving and we didn’t have much food so I was going to settle for toast and peanut butter, but then our last loaf of bread was moldy, and all we had was muffin mix. But we didn’t bring any muffin tins with us. Still, hunger drove me on.

Determined to get some of that muffin goodness in me, I mixed up the muffin mix like normal, and then just kind of plopped it on a cookie sheet and stuck it in the oven. It worked out great! My favorite part of eating muffins is actually the crispy outside anyway, so the outcome (flat pancake-like muffins) were actually perfect, crispy and tasty. I flipped them once halfway through, to cook both sides thoroughly and avoid burning one side, and just kind of kept an eye on them. I don’t think they took as long to cook as normal muffins do.

Anyway, if you’ve ever wondered if you can make muffins without muffin tins, now you know that you sure can.

1 thought on “Homemade Muffin Tops

  1. ha! thanks for sharing! I never knew! desperate times call for desperate measures!
    You might be on to a new invention/ family tradition, ha! – isn’t that how most convenient foods are born?
    i am getting hungry looking at it. I can’t wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving!
    love you!

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