27 Weeks

Here I am, at 27 weeks! That means I’m approximately in the seventh month and third and final trimester of pregnancy! Yay! And here’s how I look:

And I’m feeling great! The baby is kicking (and rolling and moving) more and more, which never ceases to make me and Josh smile. I feel like I’m hungry all the time and eat small meals throughout the day. Sleeping at night is a little uncomfortable, but not too bad at all. Perhaps the hardest part of pregnancy so far has been figuring out where to buy good (not too expensive) maternity clothes! Ross is definitely my favorite. So if you have any recommendations, please share!

We have the crib set up in the baby’s room now, and it looks so cute! We’ll post some pictures soon. Things are going well and we’re getting excited!

3 thoughts on “27 Weeks

  1. Ugh don’t even get me started on how expensive maternity clothes are! Also it’s so hard to find long enough skirts! I ended up finding a tutorial somewhere and making my own skirt that I wore a ton. It wasn’t the most professional thing ever but it did the trick!

    Are you signed up to get coupons from Motherhood Maternity and any other maternity stores? Sometimes they send some really good ones.

    You look so cute and I’m so excited for you guys!!


  2. Lindsey: Tell me about it! Maybe I’ll have to try making my own skirt, too… I am signed up for Motherhood Maternity’s email list, so I’ll have to keep my eyes open for deals. Thanks!

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