31 Weeks

I’ve made it to month 8! Now I’m 31 weeks pregnant and here’s how I look:

And I’m still feeling pretty good! I’ve heard horror stories about being pregnant in the summer, but so far it hasn’t been bad at all. That’s probably because we’ve had a nice, wet, cold spring, and I have yet to make it to the hottest part of summer or pregnancy, but no complaints from me about the weather so far.

I am starting to feel ever more big and ever more uncomfortable… yesterday I tried to do a good Saturday cleaning like I’ve always done, but I completely ran out of steam halfway through. Too much bending over, I guess! Josh had to step in and finish the kitchen floor.

The baby is doing great, and it’s so fun to feel him kick…well, most of the time. Sometimes he likes to kind of camp up by my ribs, and that’s not so comfortable. But still, I feel like I could just stare at my belly popping all day long, and it would never get boring. :)

3 thoughts on “31 Weeks

  1. You look so beautiful! I am so excited to see the updated picture! It makes me feel like I am there!

    Love you and Josh lots and lots!!

  2. I am getting excited! You look great – he will be here before you know it! I remember the days of not being able to bend over easily… don’t over do it. See you soo soon!!
    love you!

  3. Paige, you look so great and happy! Baby will be here before you know it, I am so excited for you guys! :)

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