35 Weeks

So getting close now! 35 weeks, with just 5 weeks to go. I’m getting bigger…

Yep, look at that baby grow! (I probably should have picked a different shirt to take these pregnancy pictures in, but oh well.) Notice my finger has swollen out of my wedding ring; sad, huh?

I’m still feeling, overall, pretty good! Well, pretty big and more and more uncomfortable, truthfully. It’s harder to move, walk, sit, sleep…but I’m surviving. Also, I lucked out with a maternity clothes sale at the Gap, and I found an on-sale maternity swimsuit, so clothes-wise, things have been great! And swimming (aka, standing/sitting in a pool) feels so good when you’re 9 months pregnant. Especially in the summer.

Baby preparations are going well. We’ve had some really wonderful baby showers from family and coworkers (thank you, everyone!) and we’re collecting things for the baby’s room (my favorite of which are baby books). We’re shopping around for a few more essentials…like a car seat. But that’s next on the list. I’ll have to post pictures of the baby’s room soon.

And the baby himself is doing great! At my last appointment, the doctor said he weighed almost 6 pounds and his head was down. The baby moves a lot still, though I can tell he’s getting cramped as he kicks less and squrims and stretches more. And Josh and I have started to notice that he gets the hiccups. It’s still all fun to feel and watch. :)

1 thought on “35 Weeks

  1. I am so excited to hear all the updates. It makes me feel like I am there! This is such a special time for you both!

    I love you both so much!

    Melissa :o)

    P.S. Paige, you look beautiful!!!

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