Two-month update

Carson turned two months on October 11! The stats: 11 pounds, 14 ounces, 22.5 inches long. And the doctor was also quite impressed by his muscle tone. A video of Carson rolling over coming soon!

Also, he got his shots:

Not very fun for Carson. He was happy later though.

Well, he was happy until Josh pulled one of his band-aids off. ;-) I was downstairs rolling the wash and Josh and Carson were upstairs playing when I heard Carson cry – the “ouch that hurt” cry. When I came upstairs I asked, “What happened?”

“I pulled off his band-aid,” Josh replied sheepishly. But then we gave Carson a bath and he was all okay in the end. And Carson still loves his Dad.

1 thought on “Two-month update

  1. Awwww…. I remember the dual band-aids! Byron screamed his head off at that. Carson is beautiful!

    Love you guys!

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