Carson is six months old!

Carson turned six months old on Saturday! Yay! At his six-month check up we found out he’s doing awesome. He’s right about at the 50th percentile for everything. We also introduced him to rice cereal, but he wasn’t such a fan. He took one spoonful each time we tried, but then made a face and wouldn’t take any more, or would spit it out if we snuck some in. I guess we’ll try something else. :)

He can also sit up on his own, and still lots of rolling and more and more scooting, twisting, and wiggling. He also gets up on his knees fairly often, especially when he gets up from a nap, because he sleeps on his tummy with his bum in the air. He’s just barely started rocking a little tiny bit on his knees, but after a second he’ll spread out all flat again or roll over or push up on his feet (think downward facing dog). Well, whenever crawling gets here, we’re excited! On the list this week is to start baby-proofing the house. It’s about time!

Here’s some pictures of the cute little guy we love so much. Happy six months, Carson!

4 thoughts on “Carson is six months old!

  1. Woohoo! I love the pictures too! He is gorgeous and so precious. The highchair looks familiar. It used to be Byron’s and it brought back so many memories seeing Carson using it now…sniff sniff…. :o)

    Love you guys!

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