We’re really lucky and really happy that this year we have four siblings at BYU. Caleb, Sam (Josh’s brothers), Audrey, and Brenn (Paige’s sisters). They’re pretty much all hilarious, especially when they’re all together. Caleb’s the loud one who makes us all laugh, Sam is surprisingly good at stupid human tricks and makes a mean mashed potato, Audrey is the good baker and now tap dancer, and Brenn is the way fun graphic designer (just don’t ask her to bring pudding). We love them all. :) Thanks for coming over for family dinners, guys, even if maybe me and Josh aren’t quite as funny as you. But you sure keep us laughing. We’ll sure miss you all when we move!

Ok tell Brenn I’m jealous she got to hold Carson….ha ha ha….
Looks like yall had a great time!
Love you guys!
I love seeing you guys all together! I know the girls are going to miss you being there!
great pic!