Carson eats food!

Yay Carson! After a few unsuccessful attempts at rice cereal, we tried sweet potatoes, which Carson really seems to like (even though the pictures don’t seem to show it). He gets really excited when we feed him and opens his mouth wide and breathes really fast; it’s pretty funny. Today we tried rice cereal again, and this time he seemed to like that too. What food should we try next? :)

5 thoughts on “Carson eats food!

  1. He is so cute!!! So glad he likes baby food, the journey of messy highchairs and bibs has just begun! I offered bananas and peaches a lot – anything sweet to cover up the peas and squash. Dad always came home with beets.
    Carson’s expressions are so adorable!

  2. Man, he is so stinkin’ cute! I love the second picture! Byron’s first baby food was sweet potatoes – I think he wore them more than he ate them that time! ha ha ha

    Love you guys!

    Melissa :o)

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