Please excuse the excess of photos. I got a little camera-happy one day. But Carson is just moving around so much! He can roll, scoot, turn in a circle on his tummy, get up on his knees, push up on his toes, rock back and forth, every now and then pull himself into a sitting position, and Josh swears he took two mini crawling steps today. So crawling might be close…we’ll see!

Don’t ever apologize for too many pictures! I love love love seeing pictures! Today’s were no exception. My two favorites – Pictures 8 & 9 where he is very intently studying his feet – so cute!
Love you guys!
Melissa & Byron :o)
whoa!!! he really IS moving a lot!! haha my favorite picture is #12 when he is chewing on his foot! ha so so so cute! cant wait to see yall soon!!
love you guys!