First snow of the season

We got our first snow of the season a little bit ago! Since then we’ve had more, but there’s something special about that first coating of white outside. Carson was pretty fascinated with it (he’s technically experienced snow before last winter, but I’m sure he doesn’t remember it). We couldn’t resist heading outside to play for a bit.

He actually didn’t really like walking around in the snow/grass like this. And he really didn’t like when he fell and ended up sitting in it:

He did like touching the snow on the porch, where he didn’t have to walk through it, and holding the little snowballs I made him. We’ll have to get some real snow play in soon!

1 thought on “First snow of the season

  1. Awww So cute! Byron has been asking about snow – I wish it snowed here in Texas so he could experience it. I’m sure Carson was fascinated by it all!

    Love you guys,

    Melissa :o)

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