The Smithsonian magazine recently had a museum day one Saturday, where you could get free admission to a bunch of different museums across the country. Josh’s co-worker, who has a wife and a little girl a little older than Carson, invited us and some other friends to the Forney Museum of Transportation in Denver – a kind of cool museum that we probably would never have found otherwise, but we’re glad we did. There were mostly lots and lots of cool old cars, bikes, trains, and all sorts of modes of transportation on display. It was kind of a quirky museum; you weren’t allowed to touch ANYTHING – I guess that’s normal for a museum, but hard with a big open floor of awesome cars to look at when you have kids under two. So though Carson was a little fed up with all the walking and only looking by the end, we had a lot of fun. And they did have one room with toys where the kids got to play, and, randomly, one old jeep that you could actually climb inside! Definitely the highlight for Carson (and where all the pictures were taken). The highlight for Josh (and, okay, Paige too) was a room kind of hidden in the back where a bunch of old men build amazingly huge and intricate hobby train tracks. Carson liked that, too, because they had working trains that he and Josh followed around and around… All in all, a really fun day.

A boy and trains – go hand in hand… precious!
Love you guys,
Melissa & Byron :o)