Yep, we’re here! After a weekend of driving, we arrived at our new home (that is, extended stay hotel) Sunday night the week before last. Here’s us saying goodbye to Provo:

And us right before we left.

Our car was riding a little low…

…because it was filled with all of our life that we’ll need for nine weeks in Dallas:

So after a day and a half of driving…

…we reached Texas!

And then after some more driving, we arrived! Here’s some pictures of our temporary home.

You can pretty much see all of it in these three pictures (except the bathroom). It’s just a tiny little studio-apartment type hotel room with a sink, fridge, table, bed, and TV. What more do you need, right? And it was definitely the cheapest and easiest option we found.
Josh is really enjoying his internship, and I’m just working from home, and we’re doing great! It’s been a fun summer so far, already filled with a few family reunions (watch for posts to come). We’re also really looking forward to exploring Dallas while we’re here. So if you know of anything awesome to do here, let us know!