Cybugs and their habitat

Carson and I were making cybugs (from Wreck-It Ralph) out of his magnet set. He insisted they were nice, though, not mean. So I put one of our cybugs on a magnet leash and led it around like a pet.

“No, Mom, that’s mean!” he insisted. “It needs to go back to its habitat!” I love it when your kids use smart vocabulary words you didn’t teach them. :)   


Easter 2015

We didn’t get Easter outfits for the kids this year. Whoops! That’s what happens when Easter falls on General Conference Sunday. Which also happened to be Annelise’s birthday.

Anyway, our Easter tradition for several years now (inherited from Josh’s mom) has been to have a kind of Christ-centered Easter week. Each day we have a little devotional, including a small craft or activity, where we talk about an event in the Savior’s life that happened in the week leading up to the Resurrection. My favorite night is always the night we have a Jerusalem dinner. We eat on the floor and have a bunch of food the Savior might have eaten:


I love the week-long tradition and the spirit it brings into our home, and especially the gospel teaching it brings into our home. My favorite holiday has always been Christmas, but in the past few years, I think it’s been switching to Easter.

I know this post is late, but I wanted to post it anyway!

Strawberry Picking

A few months ago my mom took me and the kids strawberry picking at a strawberry farm called Froberg’s. We got a ton of delicious strawberries and had a great afternoon. :)

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Carson’s apparently confused that he can’t hear the sound of the ocean.