My telescope store


Note from mom:

In my closet I keep this big bucket of recyclables: paper towel tubes, jars and tubs and lids, cardboard, all sorts of random stuff. I add to it occasionally, and it’s made for some great craft supplies (or even a great activity: the kids love to just pull things out and play with them). One morning Carson was going through the box while I was getting ready and he found all of these cardboard tubes inside. When I suggested maybe we could do something with them, he said “We could have a telescope store!” So we went into our playroom and set it all up under the fort. Carson came up with all the prices, and I wrote them down for him. All that morning we played “telescope store,” taking turns pretending to be the store owner and the shopper. I love that he came up with this idea all on his own. He’s such a creative boy!



We’ve been really into slime lately: mixing corn starch and water in this big tub on the kitchen floor and playing in it for hours. Carson looooooves it and could sit there all day. And then if he’s left to sit there all day, the slime eventually covers more and more of his body…
