Some prints Walmart is currently processing for me

On Saturday I helped my mom clean out my parents’ garage. It was an adventure. There were still unopened boxes when we were finished, but we went through a lot. My favorite part was getting to keep things my mom didn’t want anymore – one of which was a multiple-slot picture frame (and now you know which pictures are going in it). We also scored a cheese board, a question game, and some cake pans. Thank you, mom!

Actually, the best part was going through old memories, reminiscing and laughing and remembering things I haven’t thought about in years, like the mystery dinners we used to have when I was a Mia-Maid, or the family ski vacation we took when I was in high school, or the custom scripture mastery card game I made for my seminary class as a sophomore. It’s a great way to kind of forget about your present troubles and just kind of time travel for a bit.

So there you go. I challenge you to go do some time-traveling of your own!

Mo Ranch, end of summer 2014

Three days, two nights, two sisters, one mom, one grandma, two cute kids. A great trip to one of the best vacation spots my family’s found. We realized while we were there that my family’s been going to Mo Ranch up in Hunt, Texas for fifteen years. Wow! I’m really glad we got to go before the summer ended. It was a great trip, and the kids had a blast. And so did I.

Cute things Carson once said

I found these scribbled on a paper when I was cleaning out the office. I don’t remember the context or how old Carson was, but you have to admit they’re pretty cute.

Carson: I love you, Mommy. And I like you, too.


Josh: Carson, let’s talk about why we love mom. I love mom because she’s pretty. Why do you love mom?

Carson: Because her pretty.

Josh: I love mom because she helps me with decisions. Why do you love mom?

Carson: Because her pretty.

That was my pick-me-up for the day, or maybe even the week. :)