Just some random photos of life lately… Click the photos to see the captions (you might have to visit our blog to read the captions, in case you’re reading this through an email or RSS reader).

Just some random photos of life lately… Click the photos to see the captions (you might have to visit our blog to read the captions, in case you’re reading this through an email or RSS reader).
On August 11 we celebrated Carson’s first birthday. Yay, Carson!
He loved his cake. It was pretty much the first sweet thing Carson’s eaten in his life, so no surprise there. :) He had angel food cake, strawberries, and whipped cream.
This is Josh, Carson, and me on the big day, after the party.
My sister Brenn (who was visiting that week; so fun to see you, Brenn!) helped me make this sign. It was funny because I left out the “h” originally and neither of us noticed until it was finished. But then I said, “No, I have to fix this! I’m going to reuse it next year!” so we added the “h” in with some fancy cut-and-paste. ;-) Carson did enjoy looking at his sign and pointing to it excitedly all day.
And Carson with all his presents. What a spoiled boy. ;) But seriously grandparents on both sides, thank you so much for making Carson’s birthday special! Though none of these pictures show it (sorry for the bad photo journaling!), the Lymans were actually there for the party and we all had a blast. Thanks for coming, Lymans! And happy birthday, Carson!
This beach day happened back a month or so ago in Texas, when Carson and I stayed with my family for two weeks while Josh had his new job training in Dallas. It was the day before Carson and I flew home, and we went to Galveston beach with Jennie, Mom, and Shelby. And I’m so glad we did. It was definitely one of the best parts of the Texas trip.
We were only there for about an hour and a half later in the day, but it really was perfect for Carson. And he loved it! When we first got there he did a lot of poking at the sand and studying it intently, and then he got wet from the first little wave, but he liked the water and after he warmed up to the sand, he was all over the place! He crawled and crawled and crawled. I think he liked just having a wide expanse to crawl around in. Later I held him up and helped him step through the shallow waves, and he loooved that, too. Lots of laughs and smiles. My two fears (that he would eat the sand or hate the wind) were unfounded; he accidentally tasted sand once or twice and never went back, and he didn’t seem to mind the wind at all (though it gave him some pretty rad beach hair).
Here’s a ton of pictures…my mom basically followed Carson constantly, snapping picture after picture, and I’m so grateful. And Carson had a great time! Now I’m sad that we live so far from a beach… :( but we’ll have to make it back to one someday soon!