Dream big. Like this paper bag. Inspirational, really.

As an editor, I (Paige) appreciated this:
Just goes to show that it’s all about the nuances that one letter (or word or punctuation mark) can make. That’s why editors/writers like me have jobs. ;-)
Meter found on ReflectionOf.Me
So Josh and I were wasting time online while studying for finals, and we somehow came across this awesome sport: extreme ironing. Oh wow, what a sport. Extreme environmental conditions? Check. Daredevil antics? Check. Life-threatening situations? Check. Iron and ironing board? Check. What better recipe could you have for an extreme sport that is incredibly awesome yet also domestic? Anyway, we got a kick out of the photos and hope you do, too. Oh, and we’re totally going to go extreme ironing on a date sometime.
Yep, our house was broken into and entered, but don’t worry—just by us. One Sunday Josh was at the church at a meeting, and I was going to meet him there for a ward activity, so I grabbed the cookies and my cell phone and walked out the door and—oops—forgot the keys. I spent a little bit of time trying to break in myself, but no doors were open and (though the three doors in the back of our house are all pretty broken) I couldn’t get in without actually breaking glass. So I gave in and sheepishly called Josh, who had a friend give him a ride home (I had dropped him off). But Josh and I were still locked out, and we had to figure out a way to get back in.
Luckily, the basement apartment of our house, which is being remodeled, had its own key. We have a copy, fortunately, so Josh unlocked the door and made it inside…but the problem is the door from the basement apartment to our house was still locked. So we tried to figure out what we could do to unlock the door.
Next to the door, there’s a kind of decorative window with a bunch of small panes of glass. Like so many other things in our old house, one pane is broken, and I had covered it up with cardboard earlier. Glancing around, I saw the hole and got excited. “Josh!” I said, “We can go through that!”
Josh was a little skeptic, however. First he tried, but his shoulders were way too broad. So then it was my turn. I squeezed in my shoulders and head…but that wasn’t the hardest part for me. But, with Josh pushing me, and my turning just so, I was able to wiggle through! Hooray! I opened the door and let Josh and, and now the fact that I fit through that will be my claim to fame!