Here are just a few pictures from moving. Not a ton; we were pretty busy packing, loading, finding a house, and being a little stressed through all this. But it was fun, too. Not so fun that we want to move again anytime soon, but perhaps someday…

Carson’s moving week injury. Josh and I were busy packing and not watching as he tried to pull himself up to stand next to an empty bookcase. One of the shelves came down and hit his face. :( Poor guy.

All our stuff…remembering back, now, it was kind of a fun adventurous week, with all of our stuff in a big pile, lots of boxes, eating Brick Oven pizza on the floor of our living room after we loaded the truck…good times. One of the best parts was spending so much time together as a family (and couple) as we worked.

Turns out moving week is pretty fun for kids (at least Carson). Who doesn’t love all those boxes?

This is the morning before we left, the morning we loaded the trailer.

…and this is how we kept Carson occupied while we loaded the trailer. Snacks are just wonderful sometimes, aren’t they?

The week before we left, we got to visit Josh’s grandparents one last time. It was so great to see them; we miss you Grandma and Grandpa!

For Carson, moving in week was maybe even more fun than moving out. Empty boxes are the best!
It was hard on Carson a little bit too, of course. (Hard on all of us.) I think he did go through some anxiety in getting used to a new place, getting over the long drive (that was hard on him), and seeing lots of new people. But now that we’ve been here almost three months (wow, time flies!) we’re all settling in so well and really liking it more and more here. More posts on our new life in Colorado to follow!