The day Josh and I got married was by far the best day of my life! It was perfect, and we were so happy the whole day, glad to be surrounded by family and friends, and elated to start our life together.
If anything was even close to not perfect, it was when we were leaving the wedding reception. Everyone had formed a pathway of people and bubbles leading to our car. Oh, how pretty! Oh, how magical! Until…well, let’s take a look. We just got our wedding pictures back, and they reveal all:

Exhibit A. Walking out the doors. Note how happy we look! Note Paige’s two eyes (pre-incident), both open and beaming. (And Josh is having lots of fun, too.)

Exhibit B. The incident. A well-timed bubble hit me right in the eye! Note my pained and surprised expression.

Exhibit C. Me trying to pass it off as nothing. Yes, I tried to grin and bear it, but note my right eye, painfully closed (and, really, it did hurt!).
So there you have it! Caught by digital imaging, Paige’s painful eye incident the day of our wedding. Luckily, no long-term damage was sustained, because the bubble soap all rinsed out later, and then Josh and I laughed about it. And we laughed even more when we got these pictures! Hope you enjoy them, too! (Oh, and more wedding pictures are coming soon!)